12th November 2018 – Daisyhouse has published its 2017 Annual Report today, which provides details of the organisation’s structure, activities and accounts for the last year. 2017 has been a special year for the organisation, a year of change and positive outcomes.
Ena Norris, CEO of Daisyhouse, said: “2017 was a year of change and development for Daisyhouse. It saw us secure HSE funding for which we are truly grateful. This funding allowed us the security and knowledge that we could continue to provide indispensable services to all of our residents and tenants. It also re-affirmed for us that the work we do is vital in supporting people through their journey of homelessness and to support them to overcome the trauma which they have encountered throughout their lives.”
She added: “2017 also brought with it a number of staff personnel changes. We employed a new Senior Support Manager who was instrumental in introducing our Personal Support Plan Model, which is based on a Scandinavian Model of Support. We also employed a new Fundraising and Communications Manager and a Case Manager. There was also changes to the CEO role, which saw the employment of an Interim CEO to oversee the organisation.”
Another important news has been the introduction of a male programme funded by the HSE. This pilot started at the end of December 2017 and is for an 18 months period.
“Daisyhouse would like to thank all of its supporters for their generosity and time throughout 2017. Without you, Daisyhouse would not be able to continue to offer its unique support and accommodation service to those individuals who pass our doorstep” – the CEO concluded.
To read the Daisyhouse Housing Association 2017 Annual Report in full please click here.