Board Members and the Chairman are volunteers and donate their time without payment.
Daisyhouse Housing Association is committed to complying with and implementing the AHB Code of Governance and Charities Regulators Charities Governance Code
Board Members and the Chairman are volunteers and donate their time without payment.
Daisyhouse Housing Association is committed to complying with and implementing the AHB Code of Governance and Charities Regulators Charities Governance Code
Daisyhouse Housing Association publishes its annual financial accounts on its website. They are prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 102 and the Statement of Recommended Practice, Housing SORP 2018
Daisyhouse Housing Association abides by Charities Regulators Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public
Patricia Heavey: Chairperson
Patricia is a partner in law firm Patrick F O’Reilly. She is a member of the Business Law committee of the Law Society of Ireland. Patricia has broad ranging commercial legal experience on all aspects of employment, commercial litigation and landlord and tenant law gained in private practice advising businesses and charities.
Alan Tracey
Alan Tracey joined the Board of Daisyhouse in September 2019. A Chartered Accountant, Alan is Principal Business Advisor with Knowledge Business Systems, previously employed as Financial Controller in a number or businesses, including Not for Profit Organisations. Alan has held roles as Non-Executive Director with a number of commercial organisations and supported Voluntary and Charitable organisations in a voluntary capacity.
Dave McCabe: Company Secretary
Dave is the Iarnród Éireann Company Secretary and over the past eight years has worked in a variety of corporate governance and company secretarial roles for semi-sate, private entities and publicly listed companies. Prior to this, Dave devilled as a barrister on the southern eastern circuit and provided contractual legal research services to governmental and non-governmental organisations. Dave holds a BA in Legal Studies and Business from Waterford Institute of Technology, a Barrister-at-law degree from Kings Inns and a MSC in Management and Corporate Governance from Ulster University.
Ruth Baldwin
Ruth, a Chartered Engineer, is currently the Chief Risk Officer and Safety Approvals Manager RU at Iarnrod Eireann- Irish Rail. Her expertise lies in engineering safety and compliance with the European rail industry. Following an extensive period as an Inspector at the Commission for Railway Regulation, she subsequently joined Irish Rail. Her academic qualifications include and MEng in Structural Engineering, MSc in Railway Systems Engineering, a Diploma in Regulation Law and Practice and an MBA at the UCD Smurfit Business School.
Ruth McCourt
Ruth has worked in the charity and non-profit sector for over a decade in a variety of areas including child welfare and protection, sexual and gender-based violence, and European affairs. She currently works for the Irish Heart Foundation, where she leads the Marketing, Communications and Digital Team. Ruth holds a BA from Trinity College Dublin and an MA from Dublin City University, as well as a number of further postgraduate qualifications.
Sarah Colgan
Having studied at Trinity College, Sarah began her career working in television and entertainment in London. She moved from MTV to the BBC before returning home to develop new television formats and produce prime time programming for RTÉ. She established Dublin-based creative advertising agency Along Came A Spider in 2014 and, in 2018, founded and led a national movement called 20×20 which changed the landscape for women in sport, winning several national and European awards.
Eoin Kearney
Eoin is Global Operations Lead for Harmful Content (Dangerous Organizations, Suicide, Credible Threats of Violence and Live Content) at Meta with over 5 years’ experience in a variety of roles in the tech sector and over 8 years in utilities and retail across a variety of organizations and roles from pricing, product management. commercial management, data reporting and regulator engagement. He Holds a Master’s of Science (MSc) in Business Analytics from UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Engineering with Managment from Trinity College Dublin
Julie McEvoy
Julie is the Global Process Manager and Finance Business Partner for Service Operations in Sandvik. Her experience includes process design and performance, project / programme management, financial reporting and controls, and change management. She previously worked in a global advisory company, with focus on finance transformation and prior to this, as a programme manager for a non-profit organisation. She is a qualified management accountant (CIMA) and holds a Bachelors (BA) in Accounting and Finance and a Masters (MA) in Development, both from Dublin City University.
Danielle Hanlon
Danielle is a senior tax manager within PwC Ireland’s Financial Services Tax team. Danielle has a broad range of tax compliance and tax consultancy experience. Danielle is a qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and a qualified Chartered Tax Advisor with the Irish Taxation Institute. She also holds a first class honours degree in Business and Law from Maynooth University and a Diploma in Leadership and Management from UCD.
We at Daisyhouse are fully committed to implementing the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public issued by the Charities Regulatory Authority-
Charity Legislation: We are fully compliant with current charity legislation. You can find more information on the legislation for the charity sector here –
Public Compliance Statement: To view Daisyhouse Public Compliance Statement please click here.
Our Guiding Principles for Fundraising: To view Daisyhouse guiding principles for fundraising please click here.
Our Donor Charter: We will ensure that we are accountable and transparent in every facet of our business, so that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in all aspects of the way in which we run our organisation. You can view our charter here.
Our Complaints Procedure: The process provides safe, accessible and effective ways for individuals to exercise their right to raise complaints about our operations, and for a response or redress to be given. We welcome feedback in every manner, please read our procedure and please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can view Daisyhouse Feedback and Complaints Procedures here. Should you have any questions then please contact us at (01) 4536763 or email