My story as a refugee from a war-torn African country and how Daisyhouse helped me to create a new life for myself in Ireland.
I first became homeless far away in Africa when war raged in my country. Tribe against tribe. Guns and knives and fires. Killing and destruction. We lived in fear in the only home we knew. When the fighting reached our village, we fled in the dark night, families trying to stay together and not lose one another. Small children crying in fear. Trucks waited at Red Cross Centres to take us to safer areas. By the end of our long journey through the night, I had become separated from my family. We had been taken in different directions, across different borders to refugee camps. Although efforts were made to re-unite families, sometimes because of the chaos of war, it was not possible.
I came to Ireland as a refugee as I had an older relative here who sponsored me. Sadly she became ill and could not care for me. I was placed with an Irish family who welcomed me and looked after me until I became an adult. It was then that Daisyhouse opened their doors to me. I came to them as a young adult seeking to stretch my wings and they welcomed and nurtured me. I found the space there to grow and flourish.